Training for a triathlon is not just about swimming 400m, cycling on a gym bike for a dubious 20k and running 5k. Yes that is how many folks start, but this approach is not going to get you very far. In contrast, the Masters Program is developed using well established scientific principles of periodization, overload and recovery that will ensure that you reach a peak of fitness on your race day and leave your competitors in your wake. At this stage, don’t get put off by the science and jargon – leave the programming to us. But we will be educating you in the science behind your training as you go along. So, to get you started:
Periodisation. Periodisation is the way in which we will organise your training into blocks. Training blocks are then grouped into periods – each period having a very specific objective.
• Preparation period – this is the initial phase of your training. The focus is on developing your skills, aerobic conditioning and preparing your body for higher intensity sessions to come.
• Specific preparation period. In this phase every emphasis is on the task at hand – developing your race pace and the skills and strengths required for your race.
• And finally the Competition phase. In this phase you will have your race or maybe a number of races and the focus is on reaching a peak of performance on race day.
Overload and Recovery. In order for your muscles and your systems to get stronger they need to be stretched or overloaded. Your sessions will become a little harder or longer each week for three weeks and then there will be a lighter “recovery” week. These two elements, overload and recovery, are both needed to make you stronger and faster – one without the other just won’t do it. It is during your recovery week that your muscles will adapt and become stronger.
We will be telling you more about the important role of recovery in the coming months.
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"I think the concept behind the Masters Programme is excellent. I find the sessions easy to follow, particularly the swim sessions." Masters Year 2 Athlete