Another great set of results this month. Well done to all athletes. Stephen Branagan at the Lough Cutra Castle posted an excellent 5:22:52 placing 47th overall. On 14 June Stephen entered last minute into the Blessington Triathlon which included a tough olympic sea swim posting 2:25:57, baby on the way now if not here already, […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...An area that seems to generate a lot of questions is stretching, so lets look at this rather large and confusing subject. If you’ve ever seen elite runners warming up I doubt you’ll see any of them bending over trying to reach their toes. It’s been shown that static stretching before exercise actually reduces muscular power! So instead […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...How are you feeling about any forthcoming triathlon events you have on your schedule and the training you are putting in? It can be difficult to accurately assess your own progress. Some people over-estimate, some over-train and others suffer from an acute case of paralysis by analysis! The coaches at are here to help, […]
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