Month two has been a rocky one to say the least.
Had a ridiculously busy life week and missed a few workouts, tried not to beat myself up about it and decided, with the assistance of the coaches to focus on the week ahead instead.
Week two was spot on!
Training was going great, form and times were looking good. I was really enjoying the workouts and starting to feel the differences and then… the dreaded post winter/pre-spring lurgy hit in full force! Two weeks of coughing and sounding like an 80 year old man who had smoked their entire life put training completely out of the window.
I was gutted, absolutely exhausted from being unwell and then feeling horrible about not being able to train had me feeling very low. Again, thanks to the coaches I realised that some things can’t be helped and it’s that funny little thing called life!
Taking a full week to recover post illness and get the chest cleared properly with some light workouts I can now face month three full on, race dates are closing in so hopefully the worst is behind me and I can get back on track and have a more successful month three.
Thank goodness I have this programme to follow otherwise I could’ve easily dropped off the wagon for good, but having my program I know exactly where to pick up from and what I’m aiming for!
Here’s to the improving weather and a better month 3….
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"I think the concept behind the Masters Programme is excellent. I find the sessions easy to follow, particularly the swim sessions." Masters Year 2 Athlete