Victoria Stears – #thetrilifereporter – Month 6
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I have been part of the Masters programme with thetrilife for 5 months. Although I am still nowhere near as strong as many of my fellow triathletes, I have made huge personal gains and am so proud of myself for being able to complete a race without stopping.
The start of month 5 involved a two week holiday to Greece where I had intended to continue with my swim and run training but knew I would be without my bike. Of course, when I arrived on our little island all thoughts of running became unbearable due to the heat (or perhaps I was just looking for an excuse…sounds like me) and so I focused solely on my swimming instead, making huge gains and learning to tumble turn too. I would complete my planned morning pool sessions whenever we were on land, but as we were sailing most of the time focused the majority of my swimming on distance in the sea. Needless to say, my swimming fitness came on leaps and bounds and I arrived back in England with a spring in my step ready to run and bike.
At the end of month 5 I spontaneously decided to enter into the Whitstable Aquathlon (this was partly a recce for the Oysterman Tri I have at the end of August which shares a similar swim and the same run), and I had the best time. I put no pressure on myself to get a particular time, and made sure I channelled a whole lot of positive energy into the race. By the time I got to the start line and was looking out at the choppy sea I was quite literally brimming with excitement and raring to go. Apart from a slight delay in the water where I had to help someone in need until the safety squad arrived, I had a really solid swim and then ran up the beach and onto the top of the Tankerton slopes into transition. I’m not entirely sure what I was doing in transition, but it took me 4 minutes which is just ridiculous (told you I hadn’t put any pressure on myself!), and then headed out onto the run. My run was strong and steady and was a run I could be proud of, especially given my complete disregard to running at the beginning of the month.
Soon enough I was crossing the finish line with a huge smile on my face feeling incredibly proud at completing my first ‘big’ event. The past 5 months of training have clearly given me a solid foundation for racing and I really believe in myself and my abilities now, which is something I would have struggled to say back in February. Now, to work on my transitions…
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"I think the concept behind the Masters Programme is excellent. I find the sessions easy to follow, particularly the swim sessions." Masters Year 2 Athlete