Performance Testing FAQ’s

    1. Location?
      The current booking diary is for testing taking place in Aylesford, Kent. Click here to find us.
    2. When should I have a test?
      We recommend 3-4 assessments per race year. This is to reflect the 4 distinct stages of training you maybe in at any given time.
Phase Date *Assessment and Length **Cost (£) ***To Book
Prep Advise your preferred date Bike (75mins) 125 Email
Base Advise your preferred date Bike (75mins) 125 Email
Build Advise your preferred date Bike (75mins) 125 Email
Race Advise your preferred date Bike (75mins) 125 Email


  1. What are VO2 / VO2max?
    VO2 describes the rate of oxygen uptake. This varies depending on the intensity of exercise. VO2max is defined as your maximum oxygen uptake and reflects your performance capacity.
  2. What is lactate threshold?
    Lactate threshold is described as the point where lactate production begins to exceed clearance. At specific levels lactate and other metabolites can impair endurance performance and thus slow you down. Essentially it reflects how effective you are at using lactate as a fuel and at what intensities production begins to slow you down, manipulation of this is the key to optimise your training.
  3. What are heart rate training zones?
    Heart rate zones are highly variable between individuals. Therefore assessing heart rate during a standardised assessment will take the individual variability out of the equation and reflect your own physiological response rather than someone else’s.
  4. What does power to weight ratio mean?
    Power to weight ratio is measured as watts per kg. A high power to weight ratio means the greater power you are able to generate per kg of body mass. Greater power means greater average speed!
  5. What are power zones?
    Your power zones reflect your power output at different intensities. Your power output is the amount of energy you can transfer to the pedals and is therefore very useful for monitoring performance and exercise intensity. Assessing power outputs during a standardised protocol allows for determination of your power zones and a formidable training tool.
  6. Why is body composition important?
    Understanding your body composition will go a long way to helping you improve your power to weight ratio. Conversely making sure you have enough body fat is equally important since we all require a certain amount of fat to function!
  7. What is economy of motion?
    This reflects your movement velocity for a given energy consumption. Through training your aim is to either reduce your energy consumption while maintaining your movement velocity, or increase your velocity for the same energy output.
  8. What does a VO2 assessment involve?
    To measure your VO2 you will perform a maximal exercise test while we measure your oxygen consumption. To do this you will wear a small face mask which will measure your expired gases while you exercise. The test is a continuous incremental protocol that is terminated when you can no longer maintain the required work rate.
  9. What does a lactate assessment involve?
    To measure your lactate you will perform a maximal exercise test while we measure your blood lactate levels. This is performed by taking a small finger prick sample of blood from your finger while you exercise. The test is a continuous incremental protocol that is terminated when you can no longer maintain the required work rate.
  10. Am I fit enough?
    If you are in good health, then yes the test is suitable, since we are looking to determine your current fitness status and set training around these findings. The test protocols are adapted depending on your current fitness levels so that you can gain the most relevant information from the test.
  11. Am I healthy enough?
    Complete the Health Screening Questionnaire, if you answer yes to any of the questions then you must seek clearance from your Doctor prior to commencing the protocol.
  12. Further questions?